non-AdjustAble regulAtor
wIth mAnuAl VAlVes Assembly
type 1
hIgh pressure
l.p. hose
mAnuAl VAlVes
l.p. hose
cAst burner
(Hose to cast burner assembly will either be made with a 3/8 Female Flare Swivel and Half
Union or a 1/8 Male Pipe Thread depending upon model.)
AIr shutter
hAlF unIon
VenturI tube
3/8 FemAle
FlAre swIVel
3/8 FemAle
AIr shutter
VenturI tube
1/8 mAle
pIpe threAd
orIFIce cAp
(do not remoVe thIs FIttIng)
the orifice is the drilled hole in the brass cap
which should be pointing up directly into the jet pipe.
brAss AdApter
94/90tKd hose Assembly InstructIons
1. Wrench tighten the 3/8” female flare swivel to the brass adapter. If assembling a hose to a cast
burner, determine if your hose has a 3/8” female flare swivel end or a 1/8” male pipe thread end. If
your cooker has a 3/8” female flare end, wrench tighten it to the pre-installed half union located on
the cast burner. If it has a 1/8” male pipe thread end, tighten the hose fitting into the venturi with a
torque wrench, up to a torque of 95 to 105 lb./in. Alternatively, hand tighten securely and then, using
a wrench, tighten an additional
1-1 1/2 turns.
2. The hose to burner (brass adapter) connections must be tightened and leak tested.
3. Go to the
use and care section
of this manual for further instructions.