7I90HD 21
The 7I90HD has two FPGA driven user LEDs (User 0 and User 1 = Green), and
three status LEDs (two red and one yellow). The user LEDs can be used for any purpose,
and can be helpful as a simple debugging feature. A low output signal from the FPGA lights
the LED. See the 7I90HDIO.PIN file for FPGA pin locations of the LED signals. The status
LEDs reflect the state of the FPGA’s /INIT, DONE pins and 3.3V power. The /DONE LED
lights until the FPGA is configured at power-up. The /INIT LED lights when the power on
reset is asserted, when there has been a CRC error during configuration. The yellow PWR
leds lights when 3.3V power is present on card. When using Mesas configurations, the /INIT
LED blinks when the fallback configuration has been loaded.
All I/O pins are provided with pull-up resistors to allow connection to open drain, open
collector, or OPTO devices. These resistors have a value of 3.3K so have a maximum pull-
up current of ~1.07 mA (5V pull-up) or ~.7 mA (3.3V pull-up).
The Xilinx FPGAs used on the 7I90HD have programmable I/O levels for interfacing
with different logic families. The 7I90HD does not support use of the I/O standards that
require input reference voltages. All standard Mesa configurations use LVTTL levels.
Note that even though the 7I90HD can tolerate 5V signal inputs in 5V tolerance
mode, its outputs will not swing to 5V. The outputs are push pull CMOS that will drive to
the output supply rail of 3.3V. This is sufficient for TTL compatibility but may cause
problems with some types of loads. For example when driving an LED that has its anode
connected to 5V, in such devices as OPTO isolators and I/O module rack SSRs, the 3.3V
high level may not completely turn the LED off. To avoid this problem, either drive loads that
are ground referred, use 3.3V as the VCC for VCC referred load or use open drain mode
in conjunction with 5V tolerance mode. When this is done, the outputs will be pulled up to
5V when off
After power-up or system reset and before the the FPGA is configured, the pull-up
resistors will pull all I/O signals to a high level. If the FPGA is used for motion control or
controlling devices that could present a hazard when enabled, external circuitry should be
designed so that this initial state (high) results in a safe condition.