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Fig 5-22 User Configuration Fig 5-23 Add User
After bind physical address to the IP-CAM, user can access the device on this PC
in network only. If the MAC address was ““00:00:00:00:00:00” which means it can be
connected to any computers.
2. Input user name in "User Name" textbox (only letters).
3. Input characters in "Password" and "Confirm Password" textbox (letters or numbers).
4. Input the MAC address of the PC in "Binding MAC address" textbox.
5. Click “OK” button and then the new added user will display in the user list.
Modify user:
1. Select the user which needs to modify password and physical address in the user
configuration list box.
2. Clicking “Modify” button will pop up “Modify user” dialog box as shown below.
Fig 5-24 Modify User
3. Input original password of this user in the “password” text box.
4. Input new password in the “New password” and “Confirmation” text box.
5. Input computer‟s physical address which is used to access the server in the “User PC
MAC” text box.
6. Click “OK” button to modify user‟s password and binding MAC address
Delete user:
1. Select the user which needs to delete in the user configuration list box.
2. Clicking “Delete” button will pop up a confirm dialog box. Then click “OK” to delete
the user.