D S P p r e s e t s
This chapter gives details of the DSP presets and their parameters, and describes how to
modify them.
DSP presets
DSP presets
The G61R Digital Surround Controller provides two types of DSP
preset. One set is available if the input is two-channel; eg from a
traditional stereo source. The other set is available if the input is
5.1 or 6 channels of discrete audio; eg from a Dolby Digital DVD.
The DSP presets available in each set are described in the following
Speaker layouts
The G61R Digital Surround Controller provides great flexibility in
the way in which you use the loudspeakers in your system. For
example, the speaker step of the Configuration Wizard allows
you to use the subwoofers and centre speaker only for movie
material see
Configuring speakers, page 20. With the Meridian
Configuration Program you can specify three different speaker
layouts, each with a different use of subwoofers and centre
For music presets: two-channel (eg Trifield) and
multichannel (eg Discrete).
For two-channel movie presets: eg PLIIx Movie.
5.1 Movie
For multichannel movie presets: eg Cinema.