Open the center panel on the aft deck to gain access to the lazzarette. Remove the aft
panel of the generator sound shield by unscrewing fasteners on top, a half turn, and pull
the panel free.
1) Check oil - dipstick is down low on generator engine starboard side.
2) Check fresh water coolant in the expansion tank of the generator. Trace the overflow
tube from the generator to the expansion tank to locate it. Add distilled water if needed.
3) Check generator sea strainer for obvious obstructions. Also make sure the through hull
valve is open. Open is the normal position. Do not run the generator with this closed or it
will fail the raw water impeller.
4) Re-attach sound shield and snugly tighten fastener screws.
Check batteries once weekly. Check water level in starting batteries, house batteries and
generator battery. All battery exterior surfaces should be dry and free of corrosion. All
wire terminals should be tightly fastened. If there is significant corrosion or evidence of
failing wires, please notify AYC.
1) Use rubber gloves to prevent acid burns on your hands. Wash the gloves with soap
and water when done to prevent acid getting on other objects.
2) For all batteries that need water, add distilled water only (using a funnel and
flashlight) until the water comes up to touch the bottom of the split ring. Wipe up all
excess water that spills with paper towel and make sure to dispose of the paper towel
in a plastic bag.
3) All batteries are in the lazarette. The house batteries are (8, two per battery box) golf
cart style 6 volt located on the starboard side of the lazarette. The starter batteries are
12 volt car style (2 per engine) with two located on the starboard side and two located
on the port side in the lazarette.
4) The
uses to port side engine start batteries.
NOTE: the inverter system will charge the house batteries. A separate battery charger
charges the start batteries.
June 1, 2010