There is a separate battery charger for the engine start batteries. No intervention is
required. The charger works when plugged into shore power or the generator is on line.
In case batteries are drained to the point they will not start engines, start the generator and
run for at least one hour before attempting to start engines again. If the generator will not
start try using the battery emergency boost switch located on the engine start panel next
to the engine start switches. Have one person push that switch while another pushes the
generator start switch.
This vessel has two heads, each with an electric toilet. It has one holding tank with a
capacity indicator in the 24 volt cabinet. Additionally, each toilet has a tank full
It is critical that every member of the crew be informed regarding the proper use of
marine toilets. Never operate the toilet when the tank is full. Each unit is equipped with a
‘red light’ indication that signals the tank is full. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION
Flushing the toilet when the tank is full could result in rupturing the holding tank or
blowing a line or fitting.
dispose of paper towels, tampons, Kleenex, sanitary napkins, household toilet
tissue undigested food, etc., in the marine toilets. In the event of seasickness, DO NOT
USE THE MARINE TOILETS. The valves, openings and pumps are extremely small
and will clog very easily. A clogged toilet, blown fitting, or tank can be very expensive to
repair. It will leave a huge mess and potentially ruin a vacation.
The two toilets are slightly different from each other. The forward toilet is a “dry” bowl.
That is to say that when not in use the bowl doesn’t have water in it. If you wish to fill the
bowl before use push the “PreFill” switch on the panel on the sink cabinet. In the middle
of the two buttons is a light. It will be illuminated in green if the tank is not full and ready
for use. If the tank is full the light will be red indicating the toilet should not be used until
the tank is emptied. (see section on holding tank).
June 1, 2010