The 24-volt system runs the electrical systems necessary to operate the vessel. Bilge
pumps, water pumps, electric toilets, navigation lights, house lights, electronics, etc. are
24 volt systems.
24 Volt Battery power panel
Turn on all 24V breakers.
For safety, Windlass Control breaker should be OFF except when using the
windlass. Holding Tank Pump and Raw Water Wash down Pump should be OFF.
NOTE: all bilge pump breakers should be ON and switches should be set to
automatic all the time.
The 24-volt circuit breakers are located on the electrical panel console. Only use the light
you need. There are sufficient lights and other 24-volt devices to drain the house
batteries of power if they were all left on overnight.
The battery switches are located in the engine room on the aft bulkhead immediately to
the left as you enter the engine room. These are normally left in the ‘On ‘ position.
June 1, 2010