90-826883R2 JUNE 1998
Page 4-35
Powerhead Reassembly
General Information
Before proceeding with powerhead reassembly, be sure that all parts to be reused have
been carefully cleaned and thoroughly inspected, as outlined in “Cleaning and Inspec-
tion”. Parts, which have not been properly cleaned (or which are questionable), can se-
verely damage an otherwise perfectly good powerhead within a few minutes of operation.
All new powerhead gaskets must be installed during assembly.
During reassembly, lubricate parts with Quicksilver 2-Cycle Outboard Oil whenever
2-cycle oil is specified, and Quicksilver 2-4-C w/Teflon Marine Lubricant whenever grease
is specified.
Any GREASE used for bearings INSIDE the powerhead MUST BE gasoline solu-
ble. Use only Quicksilver 2-4-C w/Teflon Marine Lubricant or Quicksilver Needle
Bearing Assembly Lubricant. The use of any other grease may result in power-
head damage.
A torque wrench is essential for correct reassembly of powerhead. Do not attempt to reas-
semble powerhead without using a torque wrench.
Three designs of crankshaft seals have been used. Design 3 is the current ap-
a -
Design 1 -- O-ring fits in groove on driveshaft
b -
Design 2 -- O-ring fits inside of carrier
c -
Design 3 -- 3 lip seal permanently installed inside of carrier