90-826883R2 JUNE 1998
Page 3A-13
Low speed Mixture Adjustment
1. Start engine and allow to warm up (run for several minutes). Throttle engine back to
idle for about one minute to allow RPM to stabilize.
2. Push primer/fast idle knob completely in and rotate knob fully counterclockwise.
3. With engine running at idling speed while in “Forward” gear, turn low speed mixture
screw counterclockwise until engine starts to “load up” or fire unevenly from over–rich
4. Slowly turn low speed mixture screw clockwise until cylinders fire evenly and engine
picks up speed.
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Low Speed Mixture Screw
5. Continue turning mixture screw clockwise until too lean a mixture is obtained and en-
gine slows down and misfires.
6. Set low speed mixture screw halfway between rich and lean.
7. DO NOT adjust leaner than necessary to attain reasonably smooth idling. When in
doubt, set mixture slightly richer rather than too lean.
8. Check for freedom from 4–cycling between idle and 2000 RPM (in “Forward” gear).
9. Install access plug into opening in carburetor air intake cover