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90-826883R2 JUNE 1998
1. Inspect crankshaft to drive shaft splines for wear.
2. Check crankshaft for straightness -- runout -- 0.003 in. (0.076 mm).
3. Inspect crankshaft oil seal surfaces. Sealing surfaces must not be grooved, pitted or
scratched. If top crankshaft sealing surface is severely worn, replace crankshaft. If
bottom crankshaft sealing surface is worn, replace crankshaft coupling seal.
4. Check all crankshaft bearing surfaces for rust, water marks, chatter marks, uneven
wear and/or overheating (blued).
5. If necessary, “clean up”crankshaft bearing surfaces with crocus cloth.
a -
Crocus Cloth
6. Thoroughly clean crankshaft with solvent and dry with compressed air.
7. Recheck surfaces of crankshaft and replace crankshaft if surfaces can not be properly
“cleaned up”.
8. If crankshaft will be reused, apply light oil to prevent rust.