Testing mode
During initial setup and during later operation, you can check the settings of the Mercedes-Benz Wallbox in testing mode if
there is no vehicle available. To do so, proceed as follows:
Working step
LED status
1. Switch off the power supply for the wall-
box via the upstream MCB(s) and RCCB.
2. Remove the internal electronic compo-
nents cover. Set the S1 rotary encoder
to the 2, 4 or E position (see table on the
next page).
Leave the S3 rotary encoder in the 0 posi-
3. Replace the internal electronic compo-
nents cover. Close and lock the housing
cover. Switch the power supply back on
via the upstream MCB(s) and RCCB.
4. The wallbox will now start up in testing
During testing mode, dangerous currents are applied to the charging contacts of the wallbox, which present a danger to life
and limb: do not touch these contacts under any circumstances and proceed with the following actions using extreme cau-
tion. Otherwise, there is a risk of severe injury through electric shock or even death!
5. With the wallbox in testing mode, you can
now measure the voltage at each phase
of the charging socket charging connector
. Measuring the signal at the CP contact
(against PE), the frequency, as well as the
duty cycle are also possible.
ca. 10
The flashing LEDs indicate that the wallbox
is switched on and a voltage is applied to
the charging contacts. Therefore proceed
with extreme caution!
After approx. 10 minutes, the voltage is
switched off automatically (all LEDs are
6. To terminate testing mode, switch off
the power supply of the wallbox via the
upstream MCB(s) and RCCB.
7. Remove the internal electronic compo-
nents cover. Set the S1 rotary encoder to
the 0, 1 or F position.
Ensure that the S3 rotary encoder remains
set to the 0 position.
8. Replace the internal electronic compo-
nents cover. Close and lock the housing
cover. Switch the power supply back on
via the upstream MCB(s) and RCCB.
During start-up, the wallbox will load the
new settings from the memory and return
to normal operating mode.