200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms
Error F17:
The temperature monitor has detected a temper-
ature above 60° Celsius inside the housing. The maximum
charging current will be limited to 6 A.
The blue and the green LED are continuously ON, the red
LED flashes twice.
Charging operations can continue, but the charging output will be reduced. If the error repeats or persists, the wall-
box must be cooled and/or shaded more effectively at the installation site. If the error continues to occur, the vehicle must be
checked: Please contact a qualified specialist repairer.
If the wallbox continues to or permanently displays error messages, take the wallbox out of operation (see “Taking the
product out of and back into operation” on page 20) and contact your local Mercedes-Benz technical support. Repairs
may have to be carried out before charging procedures can resume.
Setup and testing modes
If a lower or higher charging current is provided by the domestic power supply, the factory preset for the Mercedes-Benz Wall-
box (16 A) can be altered in setup mode via the internal rotary encoders. However, the rated current indicated on the product
label must not be exceeded under any circumstances.
Setup mode
To make adjustments via the rotary encoder, you must first remove the internal electronic components cover of the wallbox:
This is described in steps 7 and 8 page 9 of section “Mechanical installation of the mounting plate”.
After opening the cover for the electronic components, dangerous voltages may be present on the inside of the wallbox
as well as on components you are able to touch. ALWAYS switch off the MCB(s) and RCCB for the wallbox in the domestic
power supply first, and before you continue in setup or testing mode.
Always observe the 5 golden rules of electrical installation:
1. Cut off all voltage sources
2. Secure all cut-off devices
3. Verify absence of voltage
4. Ground and short-circuit
5. Cover or prevent access to adjacent parts under voltage.
Otherwise there is a risk of severe injury or even death through electric shock!
Two rotary encoders (S1 and S3) are located on the main circuit board of
the Mercedes-Benz Wallbox. For normal operations, these must be set to the
0 position. Only the S1 encoder (located on the left hand side of the plan)
is relevant for changing the maximum charging current. Always leave the S3
rotary encoder in the 0 position.
S1 S3