1.4 Lubricant Cartridges and Battery Packs
1.4.1 Lubricant Cartridges
Each size lubricator has its own corresponding lubricant cartridge. Every grease cartridge
is filled with care and precision, and is centrifuged during the filling operation to avoid air
pockets in the cartridge that might create an air lock in the pump. Cartridges are not
reusable. The volume of grease in each cartridge is carefully calculated and the weight of
each cartridge depends on the specific weight of the lubricant inside.
PLI, LLC stocks over 250 different greases and oils for filling
lubricant cartridges, but almost any lubricant with a rating of NLGI-
2 or less is suitable for use in the MEMOLUB
PLI does not recommend lubricants for a particular application. If a
user is uncertain of the type of lubricant to be used
PLI can often assist by providing general information. We can also
assist by referral to the Technical Services Department of the desired
lubricant manufacturer. These Technical Services Departments offer expert advice on the
lubricant requirements for specific applications and the product in their line best suited to
the need.
1.4.2 Battery Packs
Battery Pack is delivered with each MEMOLUB
HPS replacement
cartridge. Each battery pack can empty a lubricant cartridge while operating at
temperatures as low as the following:
STANDARD Model 120 (120cc) cartridge:
F (-5
MEGA Model 240 (240cc) cartridge:
F (0°C)
GIGA Model 480 (480cc) cartridge:
+41°F (+5
For continuous operating temperatures lower than those shown, available cold-weather
lithium battery packs should be used.
Battery packs should be changed every time the lubricant cartridge is replaced to assure
proper voltage to the system; and each battery pack should only be used once. A new
battery pack is supplied with each replacement cartridge purchased.
1.4.3 Stocking
Cartridges and battery packs must be stored in cool, dark conditions (preferably in their
original packaging). The shelf-life of stored batteries is 2 years.
EX is the same self-contained, battery powered lubricator as the
HPS model with a modified enclosure rated for limited hazardous
locations. This version is identified by the black motor base housing (see Appendix for
EX Ratings).
HPS User’s Guide
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