This product is subject to the Directive 2012/19/EC on Waste Electrical and Electro
nic Equipment (WEEE) of the European Parliament and of the Council. This appliance
has been brought to market after August 13th, 2005 in countries which have already
integrated this directive into their national laws. It may not be disposed of in normal
household waste. For disposal, please contact your dealer or the manufacturer. Any
appliances that are infected, infectious or contaminated with materials hazardous to
health are excluded from return. Please also observe all other regulations applicable
in this context. Before disposing of the appliance, please render the door locking me-
chanism unusable, for example, to prevent playing children from being locked inside
the appliance.
There is a lithium battery in the ControlCOCKPIT of the appliance. Remove it and dis-
pose of it in accordance with the regulations in your country.