Seite 9 von 20
Remove the printhead cartridge from the foil bag.
Remove the orange protective plastic cover from the printhead cartridge. Holding the
printhead cartridge by the handle
Release the flaps covering the ink ports (1 and 2).
Release the clip retaining the cover near the center of the printhead cartridge
Carefully remove the protective cover (4).
Remove the protective strip from the electrical contacts. While holding the printhead
cartridge by the handle with one hand, grasp the pull tab with the other hand and, slowly
and carefully, peel back the plastic strip covering the electrical contacts.
Dispose of the removed strip immediately and do not allow the removed strip to
contact the electrical contacts.
Remove the protective strip from the printhead nozzles. While holding the printhead
cartridge by the handle with one hand, grasp the pull tab with the other hand and slowly
and carefully peel back the plastic strip covering the printhead nozzles.
Maintain an angle of no less than 45° with the printhead surface when pulling on the