11.10 Loop Test
-Supply tripped unexpectedly.
-Test aborted due to danger of exceeding touch-voltage limit.
“Err con”
-Hardware problem detected during High Current Loop test or RCD test.
-Internal resistors are too hot. Also shows thermometer.
-Internal heat sink is too hot. Also shows thermometer.
-Supply noise detected. Loop test time will be extended.
11.11 Earth test
“Err REv”
- During a 2-clamp test, one clamp is the wrong way round.
“Err” + V clamp symbol
-During a 2-clamp test, the V clamp has been opened.
“Err” + I clamp symbol
-During an ART test, the I clamp is the wrong way round.
“Err” + Rp symbol
-Rp resistance is too high.
“Err” + Rc symbol
-Rc resistance is too high.
11.12 Test will not start
-Wrong connection to instrument.
-Internal resistors are too hot. Also shows thermometer.
-Internal heat sink is too hot. Also shows thermometer.
“VOL >280V” (for example) -Supply voltage is too high.
“L-N <48V” (for example) -Voltage on terminals is too low for L-N loop test
“L-E <48V” (for example) -Voltage on terminals is too low for L-E loop test or rcd test
“FRE <45”
-Supply frequency is too low for loop test or rcd test
“FRE >65”
-Supply frequency is too high for loop test or rcd test
-Loop R1+R2 test attempted without having previously done a Zref test.