38 of 82
Range of validity
List commands
next page | scroll down
previous page | scroll up
Main menu
[enter] new destination | Enter address
[show] map [ view ]
(other | additional) (applications) | additional applications
| extras
Current route /
Route information/
Overview map
directions| route description
routes | route options | route settings | Routes
(traffic [jam] | congestion) (information | situation | info |
conditions) Traffic conditions
current position
destination [area]
Start point | Start | Starting point
Volume settings
(Volume click sounds | (lower | reduce) (keyboard click |
click) [volume]) (down)
(Volume click sounds | (increase | raise) (keyboard click |
click) [volume]) (up)
(MP3 Player volume | (lower | reduce) (M P 3 | music |
media player) [volume]) (down)
(Volume click sounds | (increase | raise) (M P 3 | music |
media player | multimedia) [volume]) (up)
(Voice volume | [decrease] speech [volume]) (down)
(Voice volume | [increase] speech [volume]) (up)
E5x70 Generic EN Gopal 7.5 MSN 4005 1597 Content.indd 38
E5x70 Generic EN Gopal 7.5 MSN 4005 1597 Content.indd 38
21.07.2014 10:48:58
21.07.2014 10:48:58