36 of 82
Acoustic information about a traffic monitoring point will be given by a warning
sound approx. 15 seconds before it is reached. Then, another double warning sound
will be given approx. 7 seconds before it is reached. Four warning sounds will give
information that the speed is too high. In addition, the distance to a monitoring
point will be indicated by a bar indicating closeness (left lower edge of the display).
Sample view if map presentation has been activated:
Please pay attention to the fact that traffic monitoring points are not
preset in all countries.
The use of devices that warn about traffic monitoring systems (like
“speed traps”) is prohibited in some countries, i. e. Germany, Ireland
and Switzerland. Please obtain information about the legal situation
and apply the warning function only where allowed. We cannot be held
liable for damages caused by the warning function.
E5x70 Generic EN Gopal 7.5 MSN 4005 1597 Content.indd 36
E5x70 Generic EN Gopal 7.5 MSN 4005 1597 Content.indd 36
21.07.2014 10:48:57
21.07.2014 10:48:57