Operating Manual OXI-dive
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4 Using the OXI-dive
Precautions When Using Oxygen Equipment
Handle with care. Use this device in a responsible manner.
Smoking or other sources of ignition should not be permitted in the vicinity of this
Do not drop on hard surfaces.
Avoid damaging the cylinder valve. If it is suspected that the valve is damaged, the
device must be quarantined and specialist advice sought.
Avoid moisture entering the cylinder by ensuring there is some residual
pressure in the cylinder at all times when possible.
Do not tamper with the valve assembly. The cylinder and valve assembly shall be
returned to the manufacturer for service or repairs.
Avoid contact with sources of heat. Cylinders shall never be exposed to
sources of heat where the cylinder temperature could reach 65 °C.
Where possible store cylinders away from solar and thermal radiation.
If a cylinder is involved in a fire, warn all persons in the vicinity of the cylinder, of
the danger of explosion. Once the fire danger is removed, refer to a certified gas
cylinder test station.
Never expose cylinder and valve to aggressive chemical or industrial
environments that may affect the integrity of the cylinder.
If the cylinder and valve requires cleaning due to contact with flammable or
non-flammable contaminants, refer the cylinder to a certified gas cylinder test
station for cleaning and inspection.
Check the Oxygen Supply
Ensure the KDK85 Autovalve fitted to the oxygen cylinder is secure. Tighten the
stirrup screw if necessary.
Rotate the variable flow control of the KDK85 Autovalve to the 0.5 L/min
setting (clockwise).
Slowly turn the cylinder valve ON at least one full turn (anti clockwise).
Check the contents gauge to determine how much oxygen is available.
If there is a leak, check that the sealing washer (‘Bodok’ seal) is in
Check the Breathing Circuit
Unwind the breathing hoses and free the breathing bag.
Tighten any loose connections with a twisting motion.
Slowly turn the oxygen cylinder valve ON one full turn (anti-clockwise) Check the
contents gauge to determine how much oxygen is available.
To check the breathing circuit, close the APL exhaust valve (clockwise), place a
thumb over the Y-piece outlet and depress the Oxygen Flush cap to rapidly fill
breathing bag. Squeeze the breathing bag firmly to check for leaks and rectify if