MedeaWiz® Hydra™
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P a g e
You could use Port 2 of Hydra 1 with a motion sensor to start file 001.
Or use Input 1 to start the sequence. It is also using the re-start delay in Mode 71.
Set the re-start delay long enough for all files in the sequence to play.
When file 1 ends on Hydra 1, the output 1 can trigger any input on one or more other Hydras.
Each Hydra output can link to any Hydra input including its own inputs.
As the file ends on a Hydra it will send a trigger pulse to the next or previous Hydra input(s).
Long sequences of many files on many Sprites can play in a planned order.
When any file ends, it can start one or more files on any other Hydra and Sprite.
One output can be connected to multiple Hydra’s inputs to start more than one Sprite.
A self-sustaining loop can be made to keep playing the pattern over and over.
On any Sprite, the loop file 000 will be playing anytime file 1 to 8 is not playing.
Mode 72
9 motion (with re-start delay), 8 outputs pulse Low after file ends, no interrupt
Mode 72 is the same as Mode 71 but with interrupts.
Any file playing may be interrupted to start a new file when a new input trigger occurs.
There is a brief delay before a new trigger is allowed if a prior triggered file just began.
Input 1 and Port 2 still have the re-start delay active.
Mode 73
2 Sprite, 4 inputs each, 8 outs pulse Low after file ends, re-start delay on input 1, no interrupt
Mode 73 controls two Sprites, one on Port 1 and one on Port 2.
It is similar to Mode 71 but using two Sprite players.
It has 9 trigger inputs
Input 1 has a user selectable delay time to wait before a new trigger.
Re-start delay is preset to 30 seconds but may be changed from 1 to 999 seconds.
There are 8 sinking pulsed outputs.
When power is applied the file named 000 will loop circular continuously until a trigger event.
Inputs 1 to 9 will trigger when grounded / connected to input 0.
Inputs 1 to 4 will play files named 001 to 004 on the Sprite on Port 1.
Inputs 5 to 8 will play files named 001 to 004 on the Sprite on Port 2.
Mode 73 is No Interrupt
While a file 1 to 4 is playing on Port 1, any new trigger on inputs 1 to 8 will be ignored.
While a file 5 to 8 is playing on Port 2, any new trigger on inputs 1 to 8 will be ignored.
After the file ends, the corresponding sinking output number will pulse Low for 30ms.
Port 1 files 1 to 4 map to outputs 1 to 4.
Port 2 files 1 to 4 map to outputs 5 to 8.
An output can be connected to other Hydra inputs to start files on them.
Mode 73 is used to sequence files on 2 Sprite players per Hydra.
As an example, you could have 2 video “portraits” interacting together.
A self-sustaining loop can be made to keep playing the pattern over and over.