MedeaWiz® Hydra™
21 |
P a g e
Setting Mode by Push Button
There are presently 2 different ways to program the operation Mode:
1) Use wire jumpers connected from ground to specified inputs.
2) Use the Set push button switch on the front panel.
This section explains method 2, using the Set push button.
Get a cup of coffee. This may take a few minutes to read and understand. You may want to read it two
or three times. You can experiment setting the Mode with no worry. If you set it to a wrong or invalid
number just try again. If you don’t like to read instructions you may want to watch the demonstration
video at
You will be able to enter one, two, or three digits by pressing the Set push button.
One digit only for Mode 1 to 9 , or two digits for 10 to 99, or three digits for 100 and up.
Depending on the Mode you want, you may only need to enter one or two digits.
There is a period of time to enter a digit once you start.
Each press will add 1 to the digit value and allow you about 2.5 seconds to make the next press.
If you pause for a few seconds, the yellow LED will flash indicating moving to the next digit.
When entering a digit, press the Set button the number of times required to build the digit.
For example, to enter a “4”, press and release the Set button 4 times.
You can press / release it quickly.
Each press / release will cause the LED to go Yellow / Green confirming the entry.
If you just enter one digit and stop, the Hydra will wait about 2.5 seconds, flash the yellow LED, and turn
on the green LED for digit two.
If you still do nothing, the Hydra will wait about 2.5 seconds, flash the yellow LED, and turn on the green
LED for digit three.
If you still do nothing, the Hydra will wait about 2.5 seconds, both LEDs will be off.
Then the green LED will flicker to indicate your Mode is stored in memory.
Next the Hydra will “play back” your digit presses by flashing the yellow LED.
Count the flashes for each digit, with a pause between digits, to verify your entry.
If you need to enter a zero, there are 2 ways:
1) Press the Set button 10 times.
2) Hold the Set button until the LED flashes, indicating moving to the next digit.
For any method of setting the Mode, you must hold the Set push button pressed, apply power,
and then release the button.