MedeaWiz® Hydra™
6 |
P a g e
Modes Details
Mode 1 – Factory Set Default Mode
9 motion input with re-start delay, 8 outputs, no interrupt
Mode 1 controls one Sprite on Port 1.
It has 9 trigger inputs plus an optional motion sensor input on Port 2.
The sensor trigger on PORT 2 has a user selectable delay time to wait before a new trigger.
There are 8 sinking outputs.
When power is applied the file named 000 will loop circular continuously until a trigger event.
Inputs 1 to 9 will trigger when grounded / connected to input 0
A trigger (ground) on input 1 to 8 will cause the corresponding file named 001 to 008 to play.
Mode 1 is No Interrupt
While a file 1 to 8 is playing, any new trigger on input 1 to 8 or Port 2 will be ignored.
While the file 1 to 8 is playing, the corresponding sinking output number will be active.
Port 2 is set for a motion sensor input and will trigger on a +3 to +5 Volt input. Plays file 001.
Re-trigger delay on Port 2 is preset to 30 seconds but may be changed from 1 to 999 seconds.
A push button or other device can be used instead of a motion sensor on Port 2. See page 28.
Input 9 will interrupt other files, return to the 000 looping file and turn off sinking outputs.
Mode 1 can be used with from 1 up to 9 pushbuttons, contacts or a low voltage controller.
You can use an optional motion sensor or other trigger on Port 2.
Or you can use the motion sensor or other trigger on Port 2 alone.
The user selectable re-trigger delay on Port 2 can be used in various ways.
In a kiosk or special effect, you may want some quiet time between motion triggers.
You can also connect a jumper wire to force a trigger at intervals set by the delay time.
Find more information about Port 2 on page 28.
Mode 2
9 motion input with re-start delay, 8 outputs, with interrupt
Mode 2 is exactly the same as Mode 1, except With Interrupts.
Any file playing may be interrupted to start a new file when a new input trigger occurs.
There is a brief delay before a new trigger is allowed if a prior triggered file just began.
Mode 3
9 motion, button press resets motion re-start delay, 8 outputs, no interrupt
Mode 3 is like Mode 1 except any button press will reset the Port 2 motion sensor re-trigger
delay time. The re-trigger delay timer will start counting when the button is pressed. It is not
possible to trigger Port 2 until the timer count ends. Any new button press during this time will
reset the delay timer again. The re-trigger delay time can be set from 1 to 999 seconds.
Mode 3 is No Interrupt
While a file 1 to 8 is playing, any new trigger on input 1 to 8 or Port 2 will be ignored.