MedeaWiz® Hydra™
3 |
P a g e
Hydra™ Quick Start Guide
Connect the Hydra Port 1 to the Sprite I/O port using the included 3.5mm 4 pole cable.
The cable provides power from the Sprite as well as 2-way serial communications.
Set up your Sprite
Enter the Setup menu of the Sprite by pressing the SETUP button on the remote control.
Set the Play Mode to Video Control Mode for video files, OR Audio Control Mode for audio files.
Set the Control Mode to Serial Control
Set the Baud Rate to 9600
Set the Address to Do not use addressing
Always have a looping file named 000 on your SD or USB memory:
The 000 looping file can be a black video file if no video is wanted until a trigger or command.
We suggest the looping file be at least 10 seconds long.
Make sure you are using ZEROS and not the letter O in the file name. Do not put the files in a
folder. Only put media files on the SD card or USB drive.
You can download HD test files at
The Hydra factory default Mode 1
The basic Mode 1 has 9 push button trigger inputs and 8 sinking outputs, No Interrupt.
Optionally you can use a motion sensor on Port 2. When a file is triggered it will play to the end,
even if other inputs are triggered. If this is the Mode you need, skip to page 25 for wiring your
push buttons and you’re done.
Learn more about the different Modes of operation available from the table on page 4 and the
detailed descriptions that follow it.