page 7
Zeroing the Orbis
Changing the unit of
Max (peak) readings
'Max' mode
When applying clockwise torque, the indicator bar begins
solid in appearance, then becomes striped when the
capacity is approached. When applying counter-clockwise
torque, the indicator bar begins striped, then becomes solid
- see Fig. 3b & 3c.
During operation of the Orbis, it is sometimes necessary to
zero the display - e.g. when you wish to tare out a
displayed torque applied by the sample, so it does not
become part of the measured reading. Press and release the
key. The display will freeze whilst the key is pressed.
You can choose from the following units of measurement:
N.m, N.cm, mN.m, gf.cm, kgf.cm, kgf.m, lbf.ft, lbf.in,
To change the displayed units, press and release the
key. Each successive key press will select the next available
units until the Orbis returns to its original setting. The Orbis
automatically converts readings as new units of
measurement are selected.
The Orbis detects and stores maximum (peak) torque in
both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.
Press the
key. The display will show the word
together with the highest counter-clockwise torque and the
highest clockwise torque detected during the test. The
current load being applied to the torque sensor is also
displayed - see Fig. 3a