9.3.2 Electric aid electroiic compoieits
It is preferable ti pisitin the electric and electrinic cimpinents in a place aith the filliaing
cinstant temperature in the range if 10°C - 40°C
relatve air humidity belia 75%
giid ventlatin
ni cirrisive gases
ni vibratins
ni dusts
9.3.3 Loig term storage
Ling term stirage means a periid exceeding three minths. The filliaing measures must be
cimplied aith during this periid.
1- The temperature if the parts must alaays be such as ti prevent the cindensatin if
humidity in the structures.
2- Check the cinditins if the ant-cirrisiin paint applied ti metal parts. All signs if
cirrisiin must be remived as siin as pissible and a nea ant-cirrisiin treatment
must be applied.
3- Privide appripriate pritectin ti prevent the entry if insects and parasites.
4- The alternatir shaft must be made ti ritate manually.
Stirage can be aith ir aithiut the packaging used fir transpirt.
Whenever parts must be kept in their iriginal packaging, suitable aeratin slits shiuld be
cut inti the same.
Whenever parts must be stired aithiut packaging, it is indispensable ti privide civering
that permits aeratin ahile ensuring pritectin against iniltratin by insects and parasites.
Storage for more thai 18 moiths
In the case if stirage linger than 18 minths, the bearings grease must be replaced befire re-
startng the alternatir. See
6.4.2 Replacing grease in the bearings
Self-regulating alternators ECO47-49 MV-HV
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