Technical Manual
Glass Room Temperature Controller Smart SCN-RTRGx.02
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • [email protected] •
The following table shows the available settings:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Enable Automatic
not active
on overflow
with long keypress
Setting whether and when the
automatic can be activated.
Control as extension unit
not active
Setting whether control as an
extension unit is possible.
Only visible if internal ventilation
control is not active!
Total number of levels
Setting the number of ventilation
Only visib
le when „Control as
extension unit“ is activated!
Table 86: Settings
Ventilation control direct operation (internal connection)
Enable Automatic
Automatic mode can be activated here. With the setting "
on overflow
", the system switches to
automatic mode after switching through twice. The next time the button is pressed, automatic
mode is deactivated again, and the fan levels can be switched through again.
With the setting "
with long keypress
", a long press of the button switches to automatic mode. The
next short press of the button exits automatic mode again and the ventilation control starts with the
first level.
Control as extension unit:
If the internal ventilation control is not active, the ventilation control of an extension unit can be
used. Communication is then carried out via objects.
The following communication objects are available for the use as Extension unit:
Number Name/Function
Length Usage
Ventilation control
1Byte status
ventilation level (Extension unit)
1 Byte Receive the status of which fan level is
active in the extension unit.
Ventilation control
Switch Automatic (Extension unit)
1 Bit
Activating/deactivating the Automatic in
the extension unit.
Ventilation control
Manual ventilation
control (Extension unit)
1 Byte Manual control of the fan levels in the
extension unit.
Ventilation control
Status Automatic (Extension unit)
1 Bit
Feedback from the extension unit
whether Automatic is active.
Table 87: Communication objects
Ventilation control direct operation (internal connection)
For a description of "Display" and "Lock object", see chapter