Technical Manual
Glass Room Temperature Controller Smart SCN-RTRGx.02
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • [email protected] •
Setpoint shift
The basic comfort setpoint is permanently configured via the ETS. This setpoint can be changed in
two ways. On the one hand, a new absolute setpoint can be specified for the controller - this is done
via the communication object "(Basic) Comfort setpoint" as a 2-byte absolute value. On the other
hand, you can manually raise or lower the preset setpoint. This can be done either via the buttons
3/4 on the unit, see chapter
, or via the communication objects "manual
setpoint shift", either via 1 bit, 1 byte or 2 bytes.
With the setpoint shift, the currently set setpoint is shifted as a temperature difference. The
"manual setpoint shift" object is used for this. With the 1-byte / 2-byte object, a positive Kelvin
value is sent to the controller to increase the temperature or a negative Kelvin value to decrease it.
With the manual setpoint shift via the 1-bit object, only on/off commands are sent, and the
controller raises the setpoint by the set increment when it receives a "1" and lowers the setpoint by
the set increment when it receives a "0".
The setpoint shift over 2byte is automatically active for the controller, the corresponding
communication object 7 is permanently displayed. The shift over 1 bit/1 byte can be activated via
When the setpoint is shifted, the configured basic comfort value is not changed as a reference
value for the other operating modes!
The maximum manual shift of the setpoint can be limited via the "
Maximum setpoint shift
" setting.
If, for example, the controller is set to a basic comfort value of 21°C and a max. setpoint shift of 3K,
the basic comfort value can only be manually shifted within the limits of 18°C to 24°C.
Activating the "
Status setpoint shift
" creates a further object. This can be used to send the current
status of the setpoint shift. This is important for some visualizations for their correct function.
The "
Setpoint shift applies to
" setting can be used to set whether the shift only applies to the
comfort mode or whether the setting should also be adopted for the Night and Standby operating
modes. The Frost/Heat protection operating modes are in any case independent of the setpoint
The setting "
Delete setpoint shift after change of operating mode
" can be used to set whether the
new setpoint should be retained after a change of operating mode or whether the controller should
return to the value configured in the ETS software after a change of operating mode.
Delete setpoint shift after new absolute setpoint
means that the setpoint shift is always deleted
as soon as a new setpoint is assigned via object.
Delete setpoint shift after new basic setpoint
value has the effect that after a new basic setpoint
value has been specified as an absolute value, the setpoint shift that has taken place is deleted and
is started with the new setpoint value.
Reset basic setpoint to configuration after change of operating mode
causes the setpoint to be
reset to the configured basic value after each change of operating mode.
If the parameter "
Send setpoint changes
" is activated, the new, now valid setpoint is sent on the
bus via the communication object "Current setpoint" with each change.