Technical Manual
Glass Room Temperature Controller Smart SCN-RTRGx.02
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • [email protected] •
40 Setpoint shift
The following table shows all available settings:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Maximum setpoint shift
0 … 10 K
[3 K]
Setting the maximum setpoint shift.
Setpoint shift via
1Bit/1Byte object
not active
1 Bit
1 Byte
Setting whether setpoint shift is to be
activated via 1 bit or 1 byte.
Step width
0,1 K
1 K
[0,5 K]
Setting of the step width for the setpoint
shift via 1 Bit/1 Byte.
Only visible if setpoint shift via 1 Bit/1
Byte is active
Status setpoint shift
not active
Activation of an object to send the
current state of the setpoint shift.
Setpoint shift applies to
Validity range of the setpoint shift.
Action when shifting
in Night/Standby
no action
change to Comfort
Setting whether to switch back to comfort
after a shift during Night/Standby.
Only visible if setpoint shift is only
active for Comfort
Delete setpoint shift after
change of operating
not active
Setting whether the current setpoint shift
is to be deleted after a change of
operating mode or not.
Delete setpoint shift after
new basic setpoint
not active
Setting whether the current setpoint shift
should be deleted or not after a new
absolute setpoint has been specified.
Only visible when "independent
setpoints" is selected.
Delete setpoint shift after
new basic setpoint
not active
Setting whether the current setpoint shift
should be deleted or not after a new
basic setpoint has been specified.
Only visible if "dependent on comfort
setpoint ( basic)" is selected.
Reset basic setpoint to
configured value after
operation mode change
not active
Setting whether the base setpoint should
be reset to the configured basic setpoint
after an operating mode change.
Only visible if "dependent on comfort
setpoint (basic)" is selected
Send setpoint change
not active
Setting whether a change of the setpoint
value should be sent.
Send current
setpoint cyclically
not active
5 min
4 h
Setting whether and at what intervals the
object is to be sent cyclically.
Table 38: Settings
Setpoint shift