Technical Manual RF Socket RF-AxK1ST.01
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25 Scene programming example
When the scene function is activated for one channel, a new sub menu for the scene of this channel
appears. Up to 8 scenes can be adjusted at this sub menu. Every scene gets one scene number, which
enables the calling of the scene. You can adjust one specific state for every scene. So you can switch
the ha el off, ith the setti g Off or s it h the ha el o ith the setti g O . Whe the
is alled, the adjusted para eterizatio of the ha el is kept e.g. o delay, off delay, … .
To note at the scene programming is that if you want to call 2 or more channels with the same scene
number, you have to set the both communication objects for the scenes to the same group address.
By sending the calling value, both scenes are called. Your programming can become much clearer if
you divide your group addresses by scene numbers. If now one channel shall react to 8 scenes, you
will have to connect the communication object for the scenes to 8 group addresses.
The following illustrations shall make the division clearly:
Figure 11: Programming of scenes
The channels A and D shall react to the call of scene A and scene B. So they are connected to both
group addresses.
Furthermore you can save scenes at the according scene numbers. For that you have to activate the
memory function at a channel of the switch actuator. Now you can call scenes by a binary input with
a short keystroke and save scenes by a long keystroke. The adjusted value for the scene is
overwritten by the current state of the actuator, when you save the scenes. At the next call of the
scene, the scene will be called with the new value.