ANI Monitor V1 - Continouous analgesia monitoring system
MD/PRD/IN16.ANIV1 V.10 – 29 SEP 2021
ANI computing process
ECG Capture
At the bottom of the screen a sub-window displays the ECG acquired (figure 16). This ECG is
filtered from all technical artifacts as well as from physiological ones (e.g. extrasystoles). In
addition to this first step, we have developed an innovating algorithm based on the Fast
Wavelets Transform, allowing us to precisely identify the R spics from the QRS signal.
Respiratory Pattern
The surface of influence of respiratory patterns in the RR series is measured and displayed in
stripes over the RR series (figures 17 and 18). The bigger the surface is, the strongest the p
tone is. The smaller the surface is, the lower the p
tone is.
Figure 16
Figure 17: R-R normalized series: low sinus respiratory arrhythmia amplitude
smaller stripped surface = low p