ANI Monitor V1 - Continouous analgesia monitoring system
MD/PRD/IN16.ANIV1 V.10 – 29 SEP 2021
ANI Index
We have developed an innovating algorithm based on the amplitude assessment of respiratory
patterns of the RR series. In order to consider the amplitude variability and the respiratory
pattern period, we have developed a methodology based on the area under the curve
measurement (figure 19) called AUCmin (Minima of the areas under the curve).
Therefore, we display continuously an index (each measurement based on the respiratory
patterns window of 64 seconds with 1 second moving window) that reflects the
parasympathetic tone activity. Two parameters are displayed (figure 20): in yellow color, the
instantaneous index (called “i”) and in orange color the patient tendency with a 4 minutes
average (called “m”). Those indexes could prevent hemodynamic reactivity during surgery
under general anesthesia.
Figure 18: R-R normalized series: high sinus respiratory arrhythmia amplitude
Figure 19: principle of index calculation
bigger stripped surface = high p