MDF Rose Engine Lathe 2.0
Build Instructions – Stepper Controls
Install the timing belt (item #501).
Snug the bracket so that the timing belt is tight enough that it won’t slip, but not so tight that
it stretches. Once it is set, tighten the two bolts holding the bracket to the headstock. They
need to be tight enough to not slip, but don’t over tighten them as that will cause the barrel
nuts to pull thru the MDF.
The stepper motor’s cable needs to be fed thru the hole in the back of the headstock,
and continue out of the lathe thru the hole in the back of the bed.
The picture on the right is of
the assembly on the original MDF
rose engine lathe. On version 2.0,
there is no need for the cutout in
the base to accommodate the