How to Set TV Aspect Ratio
How to Set TV Aspect Ratio
Figure 16
Figure 15
Figure 17
This feature allows you to configure the player to provide
the correct video mode to match your Monitor/TV. The
width to height screen dimension of a 4:3 Aspect Ratio
Monitor/TV match the screen size requirements of videos
as well as conventional TV signals. A Monitor/TV with a
16:9 Aspect Ratio will fill its screen with an entire Wide
Screen video. Once the TV Aspect Ratio is set, it should
not be changed. Make changes only if a Monitor/TV with a
different Aspect Ratio is used.
Note: If a disc is loaded, the player must be in STOP mode
before any SETUP operation can occur.
1. Press the SETUP pushbutton to access the initial setup
2. Press pushbutton Number 6 to select the TV Aspect
Menu. Refer to figure 14.
Note: The 4:3 Aspect will be indicated which is the factory
default setting that matches a conventional TV.
In the 4:3 Aspect mode, if the disc is formatted in the Pan
and Scan style, video
material at the ex-
treme left and right
edges of the original
picture will be miss-
ing at certain times,
even though the en-
tire screen is always
full. Refer to Figure
15. If the disc is for-
Figure 14
TV Aspect
1 4:3
2 16:9
Press RETURN to cancel
matted in Letterbox, you will see the entire picture but
black bands will ap-
pear at the top and
bottom of the Moni-
tor/TV screen. Refer
to Figure 16. 16:9 As-
pect matches a wide
screen TV or Monitor.
The screen will be
filled and the entire
video picture will be
displayed. Refer to Figure 17.
Note: Be certain that the Monitor/TV setup is properly
configured for wide screen operation.
1. Press 1 to select a TV aspect of 4:3.
2. Press 2 to select a TV aspect of 16:9.
After a selection is made, the initial setup menu will reap-
pear. If all setup adjustments are complete, press
pushbutton Number 0 to exit the Initial Setup Menu.