R62-72 & R68-78
Twin-Rotor Rake
Check raking tines and arms.
Check wheel nuts and tyre pressure.
Every week
Grease PTO shafts and all other grease points.
Grease ram pivots.
Every month
Check sufficient oil level in the gearbox.
Check sufficient grease in the rotor gearboxes.
Every year
Clean and lubricate all moving parts.
Drain and change gearbox oil.
Top up grease in the rotor gearboxes.
At the end of the season the machine should be washed and cleaned.
Carefully clean all machine sections, inside and out. Dirt and foreign objects are likely
to draw moisture and cause rusting of steel components.
recommend that the
machine be blown down with an air line, as opposed to a pressure washer, due to the
dangers involved with pressure washing and to protect the overall paint work on the
machine. If, despite our advice, a pressure washer is used then take extreme caution
and operate from ground level only. Do not point pressurized water at or near electrical
components, pivots points, valves or bearings. Never climb onto any part of the
machine, while pressure washing, due to the fact that all metal surfaces become
extremely wet and slippery and always ensure that the tractor has been shut down, with
the ignition key removed.
Any damaged paintwork should be touched up. Any maintenance or repairs should be
carried out at this stage. The exposed hydraulic cylinder rod should be greased. The rotor
units as well as the rotor arms should be cleaned and lubricated.
ENVIRONMENT: Health and safety rules for the environment
It is vitally important to observe health and safety rules in order to avoid
unnecessary environmental damage or danger to anybody near the
machine. This especially applies to the responsible disposal of oil. Never
spill pollutants (oil, grease, filters, etc.) on the ground, never pour them
down the drain and never discard them where they can pollute. Never
throw away or burn waste net or plastic. Burning plastics is toxic as they
release dioxins and furans. To inhale dioxins or to be exposed to its
fumes can cause deadly results. Respect the environment! Always take
waste materials to a recycling centre.