R62-72 & R68-78
Twin-Rotor Rake
6.10 Steering linkage adjustment
Normally, the machine should track perfectly, with the tractor, in a straight line and
should never require adjustment. However, if it is noted that the machine is tracking off
to either the left or the right side, when viewed from behind, then the adjustable link
shown can be adjusted. Disconnect the clevis on one end and loosen the lock nut.
Rotate the clevis either in, to shorten, or out, to lengthen, before reconnecting. If the
machine is tracking to the right, then the link should be lengthened. If the machine is
tracking to the left, then the link should be shortened. A small adjustment will make a
noticeable difference. Once the machine is tracking straight ahead, ensure all locknuts
are tightened securely and all other pins and fasteners are secure, before moving the
machine onto a public roadway.
CAUTION: Ensure safety chains are attached to machine and tractor
Ensure the safety chains on the PTO cover sleeves are attached to both
machine and tractor to prevent them from spinning.