Start to Assemble your Jenny
Horizontal & Vertical Stabilizers
– Move control lines from atop the rear of the fuselage
and re-tape beneath the tail.
Control lines as shipped.
Insert the tab on vertical stabilizer (V Stab) into the slot on the horizontal stabilizer (H Stab).
Slide assembly into the top rear of the fuselage, then toward the nose to align the hole in the
tab with pin-hole in the side of the fuselage beneath the H Stab.
Pin-hole in covering hides the hole for the ¾” bolt.
Insert the ¾” bolt through the three holes. Place a washer and a nut on the bolt and tighten.
Do not crush the wood under the screw. Place a small drop of thin CA at the end of the
screw and nut.
Rudder lines come through rear bulkhead.
Elevator lines come through the edge of the
closer bulkhead.
2008 Maxford USA www.maxfordusa.com