Balancing the Jenny
-Mount the battery in the front compartment (but do not plug it in!) fasten the hatch, and
attach the prop.
-Your Jenny should balance at 2.00” behind the leading edge of the top wing.
(approximately at the main wing spar.) If tail weight is needed you should consider a
larger capacity and weight battery before adding lead to the nose.
Final check before flying
Before the first flight
-Check all nuts, bolts, screws, and clevises.
-Check the controls for proper operation. (Even real airplanes-such as the early models
of the F-117 and SR-71-crashed due to the controls being reversed.)
At the field
-With the aircraft properly restrained, perform a range check with the motor running and
the prop attached. You should be able to get at least 100’ away from the model with your
transmitter’s antenna stowed with reliable control.
-If possible, have another modeler check your Jenny over. Smart pilots never mind a
second opinion.
Hopefully you will never need them,
but for replacement parts check our web site at
2008 Maxford USA www.maxfordusa.com