Synthetic oils
Many synthetic oils with different basis are available on the market (esters, glycols, etc) that sometimes
have proved to be suitable and provide a longer life than mineral oils.
Normally they reduce carbon deposits, provide a high self-ignition temperature and are remarkably
resistant to oxidation.
As synthetic lubricants are good detergents, to change the kind of lubricant in a machine and pass from a
conventional mineral based to a synthetic one, it is necessary to carry out a thorough washing, following
the supplier’s instructions, to avoid damages to the machine if dirt, residues and deposits circulate.
It is also necessary to pay attention to condensate, as usually synthetic lubricants are more sensitive to
water washing and their thin film may not provide enough protection against rust.
This problem can be worsened if the compressor is not working continuously, but occasionally.
In this case, even though not suggesting its use, any responsibility for the choice is up to the user and
to the lubricant supplier.
It is difficult to determine life of an oil, as there are different parameters affect-
ing the same, among which the operating temperature and quality of the intake
air are very important.
For this reason it is recommended to obtain precise guarantees from the sup-
plier, validated by the analysis of samples taken from the machine, to determine
the suitability of lubricant and its life.
Considering the important role of lubricant for operation of the compressor, Mattei offers special lubricants
to the users and recommends their use.
These are:
- Mattei Rotoroil 8000 F2 (synthetic),
- Mattei Rotoroil 8000 F4 (synthetic),
- Mattei Rotoroil 8000 FG (synthetic, non toxic)
available in 2, 5 and 25 litres cans.
Their life can reach the hours shown in the table, depending on the operating temperature and condi-
tions of the intake air.
Ambient temperature
Operating hours
Rotoroil 8000 F2
From - 15° a + 45 °C
Rotoroil 8000 F4
From - 30° a + 30 °C
Rotoroil 8000 FG
From - 5° a + 40 °C