CHaPTer 10: Treadmill SPeCifiCaTioNS aNd aSSembly GUide
10.5 PCTV braCkeT iNSTallaTioN iNSTrUCTioNS - CoNTiNUed
7) Mount the front plate to the TV using 2 screws sent with the bracket kit (Figure G).
8) Connect the power wire extension wire to the power wire coming from the base of the unit (Figure H).
9) Install the coax adaptor sent with the bracket kit to the coax cable coming from the base of the unit (Figure I), and connect the coax
extension cable to the cable coming from the base of the unit (Figure J).
11) Locate the TV controller wire in the console (Figure L). This wire was part of the group of wires attached to the console by a tie strap
removed in Step 3.
fiGUre G
fiGUre H
fiGUre i
fiGUre j
fiGUre k
fiGUre l