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About this operating manual
Prior to first use, read the manual carefully and conscientiously all the way through.
Keep this manual where it is easily accessible. This will enable you to refer to important information
and handling instructions as needed.
At transfer of the machine the owner of the machine receives instruction in the operation and
maintenance of the machine from the owner's sales partner.
The owner must ensure that operating and maintenance personnel have been instructed in full
scope in the operation and maintenance of the machine.
Listings with bullet points are marked as follows:
Text . . .
Handling instructions are marked in the sequence, in which they should be executed, as follows:
Text . . .
If directions (left, right, rear, front) are specified in the operating manual, these directions are al-
ways based on the direction of travel of the carrier vehicle.
The direction of travel of the front PTO shaft is always specified from the front as viewed from
above. Right rotation CW (clockwise), left rotation CCW (counterclockwise).
Fig. 1: Definition of alignment and direction of rotation