Connection procedure
Important Note: ‘Return’ lines
The MPU-08 is designed for use with larger quantities of Atomic Colors fixtures, and
in bigger installations where the cable runs a longer.
In order to reduce the voltage drop in these longer cable runs, an XLR-4 ‘Return’
cable must be installed in the system, so the cabling forms a continuous loop.
1. Rig the combined Atomic 3000DMX and Atomic Colors fixtures in their desired
positions, ensuring that you use the safety wire as a secondary means of attachment.
2. Connect your source of DMX data to the XLR-5 input socket on the front of the MPU-08.
3. Using an XLR-4 cable, connect the ‘out’ of ‘Power outlet 1’ on the MPU-08, to the XLR-
4 input on the Atomic Colors fixture #1.
4. Using another XLR-4 cable, connect the XLR-4 output of Atomic Colors fixture #1, to
the XLR-4 input on the Atomic Colors fixture #2.
5. Repeat step 4, until you have a maximum of four Atomic Colors fixtures connected
6. Connect the XLR-4 output on the last Atomic Colors fixture to the ‘Return’ of ‘Power
outlet 1’ on the MPU-08.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 using cables and fixtures connected to ‘Power outlet 2’ on the MPU-08,
8. Connect the AC supplies to the MPU-08 and the Atomic 3000DMX unit(s).
Proper connection of the units to the power supply is important!
Please follow these basic rules.
Use the proper type of cable and connectors.
Keep cable runs as short as possible, to reduce line loss.
The total cable length for run should not exceed 75 M (245 ft), including the return line.
Always use a return cable for each cable run. This will ensure balanced LV power to all
Before operating the Atomic strobe,
make sure the power supply for the Atomic Colors
is connected, and switched on.
Atomic Colors User Manual Connecting the unit