microswitch 3, 4, 5 and 6 are OFF. Then press the "reset" button P1 to activate the calibration.
After the initial test of about 10sec, the concentrator will be active.
Note: After adjustment, bringing the microswitch 3 or 4 in ON, you will see the value
4. There is no need to calibrate again. The microprocessor adjusts the values
of optimal reading value obtained during the primary and fine adjustment.
During normal operation of the concentrator, the display must be completely powered down.
The only segment that can be displayed is the "d" that remains on when you exclude the Loop2
through the microswitch of the dip-switch "Function".
Possible views of the display in addition to those listed are:
Segment "f" or "e" on: Loop1 out of alignment. Repeat the calibration procedure as
described for the loop1.
Segment "b" or "c" on: Loop2 out of alignment. Repeat the calibration procedure as described
for the Loop2.
Note: When the segment "d" is on indicates that the Loop2 is disabled.
Dip-switch S3 Address microswitches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
The concentrator module, in addition to being used in standalone mode, can be connected in
bus mode, and be managed by the central unit ALM-6800. In this way you can manage from a
single central, up to 48 concentrator connected on a single RS-485 bus. In this mode each
concentrator must have its own unique ID address.
The table below shows all the combinations for addressing the concentrator module.
Installation and Programming Manual V1.2