No Sanitizer Reading
P: Sanitizer level is too low.
S: Shock and/or adjust
sanitizer cartridge
until the sanitizer registers in the recommended
P: Test strip remains “white” even after sanitizer has been added.
S: Sanitizer level could be extremely high. It can bleach the reagents on the test strip and
give a false reading. Remove spa cover and activate jets and air control. Allow jets to
run for 30 minutes. Test water
to see if desired level has been reached. Adjust
to reduce bromine or chlorine level.
High Sanitizer Reading
P: Too much chlorine or bromine added or dispensed into the spa.
S: Remove spa cover and activate jets and air control. Allow jets to run for 30 minutes.
Test water
to see if desired level has been reached. Adjust
sanitizer cartridge
to reduce
bromine or chlorine level.
Eye or Skin Irritation
P: Contaminants or excessive amount of chloramines/bromamines in water.
S: Treat water with
Spa Shock.
Adjust sanitizer level.
P: pH is low.
S: Adjust as needed.
Corrosion of Metal
P: Low pH.
S: Adjust pH with
pH and Alkalinity Increase
Green Water/Algae
P: Low sanitizer level or high pH.
S: Adjust pH, shock and/or adjust
sanitizer cartridge
as necessary.
Erratic pH
P: Alkalinity and/or calcium hardness are too low causing pH “bounce”.
S: Test and adjust alkalinity and/or calcium hardness to bring them into the ideal range.