2. Set Date:
If the internet connection is not available, you can set the system date here.
(1) The setting range is from 1970/01/01 to 2038/03/31. Any date before 1970/01/01
will be set to 1970/01/01, and any date after 2038/03/31 will be set to 2038/03/31.
(2) Any change made here will be immediately reflected to the system.
3. Set Time:
If the internet connection is not available, You can set the system time here .
(1)To change AM/PM, cursor over the AM/PM sign and press the OK button.
(2)Any change made here will be immediately reflected to the system setting.
TV Setup
In TV Setup submenu, you can select the TV output mode.
TV Format:
you can select the TV format for your TV shows. This feature supports
4 :3LB, 4 :3PS, 1 6:9LB, and 1 6:9FIT.
2. TV Mode:
you can select the TV mode for your TV shows from the options,
including PA L and NTSC. However, you have to make sure your TV supports the
mode you select.
(1) Any change made here will be immediately reflected to the output mode.
(2) After any change made here, the TV Resolution will automatically change to the
respective default value, 576i for PA L and 480i for NTSC.
(3)The default setting of TV Mode is PA L.
(4) Currently this option is fixed to PAL and cannot be changed.
This feature supports formats such as SCART (CVBS), SCART (RGB), and H DMI.
(2) Before you connect the video outputs of your set-top box to the video inputs of
your TV, please make sure the inputs and outputs are consistent with your setting
made here.
(3) The default setting of Video Output is Scart ( CVBS) if there is no HDMI connection
between your box and TV; otherwise, the default setting i s H DMI.
(4) If there i s n o HDMI connection between y our b ox and TV, you will not be
allowed to set the output format to HDMI.
(5) When they co-exists a HDMI and a SCART connection, if your box detected
that the TV is set to HDMI mode, it will switch to HDMI output mode automatically.
(6) If t his feature is set to SCART (CVBS), or SCART (RGB), the TV Resolution
will automatically change to the respective default value, 576i f or PAL and 480i f or
(7) Any change made here will take at least one second to be applied.
4. TV Resolution:
you can set the resolution for your video output.
(1) If this feature is set to SCART (CVBS), or SCART (RGB), the TV Resolution
cannot be changed.