Single-action focusing hood
Opening and closing is performed by
Single action. Extraneous light shield-
ing design is adopted for this focusing
Magnifier setting lever
By moving this lever to the left, the
magnifier c a n be s e t . By p r e s s i n g
down the magnifier base plate. the
magnifier can be hooked in place
The magnifier is interchangeable with
other diopter lenses.
Focusing hood mounting
Focusing screen
T h i s s c r e e n i s i n t e r c h a n g e a b l e w i t h
various types. Being interlocked with
the revolving adapter, horizontal pic-
Film advance lever
ture format index lines appear under
the screen.
Carrying strap lug
Accessory shoe
Dark slide storing lug
Focusing knob
Focusing knob fixing lever
m u l t i p l e exposure is desired,
or when you want to release the shutter
w i t h o u t l o a d i n g t h e film, it can be
achieved by moving this lever to the
f r o n t u n t i l t h e r e d m a r k b e c o m e s
Memo clip
By storing
the separated film box cover
or white paper sheets here, memos
can be entered
a double-exposure preventive device
prevents the shutter from being re-
leased. Unless the shutter is released,
the film cannot be advanced, thus
preventing idle film advance.
Multiexposure lever