Attaching and Removing the Lens
the Lens
A f t e r c o c k i n g t h e c a m e r a b o d y m i r r o r
and the lens shutter, mount the lens on the
camera body.
Cocking the Mirror of Camera body
1. Remove the front body cap from the
camera body.
2. Be sure that the mirror (3) is in the cock-
ed, down position in the camera body,
shielding the camera film plane from expo-
sure to light.
If the mirror is up, cock the mirror by
fully pushing down the shutter cocking lever
(1) toward the front of the camera.
Cocking the Lens Shutter
1. Remove the rear cap of the lens.
2. Cock the lens shutter. Firmly turn the
shutter cocking pins (56) with your fingers.
to the red dots (A) of the cocking position
marks. Now the shutter blades are open.
When removing your fingers from the pins,
the cocking pins will turn back to the green
If the cocking pins are not fully turned to
the red dots (A), the shutter will not be
completely cocked.
After removing the lens from the camera
body, the shutter is always cocked.
Attaching the Lens
1. Turn the bayonet ring (11) counterclock-
wise, and align the red dot on the bayonet
ring with the triangular mark at the center.
2. Mount the lens, keeping the triangular
mark aligned with the lens mounting mark
(10); then firmly twist the bayonet ring clock-
wise. Now, the camera and lens have been
NOTE: If the camera is placed with its back facing downward when attaching or removing
the lens, without mounting the rear body cap or the film holder, the coupling mechanism may
be damaged. Always pay attention to this caution.