Turning on
There are three lights on the front panel—only two, the Power light and the Status light are
utilised at present.
When turning on for the first time the unit will connect directly to the Central Command
Servers to download its configuration. The Power light should be on as download of the
secure profile takes place.
Once your profile has been downloaded from the Central Command Servers, the Status light
will illuminate green and your Internet communications are now established.
Please allow up to five minutes for the line light to illuminate green and your Mako to
be ready for use.
MakoScope LCD
MakoScope LCD is the name for the Mako 7550 LCD Feedback System. By interacting with
the LCD screen on the front of your Mako, you can get real time information of the status of
your Mako.
MakoScope LCD
The MakoScope LCD shows the following useful information:
Internet Status - If the Mako is online, your public IP Address is shown otherwise
“Offline” will be displayed.
WAN Interface Information - If connected, will display your media connection speed,
otherwise will display “Down”.
LAN Interface Listing - IP Addresses of your LAN interfaces.
Mako ID – The unique identifier of your Mako
You can test whether you have Internet communications established by opening a web
browser on one of your office computers and accessing two or three web sites. For example,
a news web site (e.g. www.cnn.com) or a search engine (e.g. www.google.com).
If you are having difficulties do try more than one web site as they are sometimes “off the air”
for various reasons of their own. If web browsing services work then Internet access is
functional and all other services should be available.
Possible problems and their symptoms
A problem on the Internet circuit. If you believe that the line is at fault, please contact
your Internet Service Provider Help Desk for status information on the circuit. They
will work in conjunction with the network service provider to resolve the problem.
A faulty profile, if the configuration profile of your unit has recently been changed.
Another possibility is that the network Gateway configuration of your office computers
has been changed. If you believe the problem is with the Mako then please contact
your reseller, who will be able to check the status of the unit and verify the profile.
Some computers on your office network can access the Internet, others cannot. Or
perhaps some services work but others do not. Both of these indicate a faulty
configuration of the network and/or computers in your office. If you believe the
problem is with the configuration of the network and/or computers in your office, then
please contact your site support organisation.
Mako Networks Mako 7550-E Product Handbook v.1.1
Page 9