Once your Mako to Mako VPN is in place, with Mako VPN Firewall controls you can control
the flow of traffic from one securely connected remote network to another.
If you plan to change the default security setting of your firewall there are some things it is
useful to be clear about in preparation for the changes:
Whether you are changing Inbound or Outbound firewall rules.
Associated with this is whether you are Denying or Allowing access.
The Service you wish to change access permissions for. A Service, such as email or
web browsing, is defined as a specific Protocol, such as SMTP for email, or HTTP for
unsecured web browsing. Each Protocol is uniquely distinguished on the Internet by
assigning it a Port number. (e.g. SMTP is Port 25, HTTP is Port 80.) Port numbers in
the range 0 to 1024 are assigned under international standard, while those above
1024 (up to 65,535) can be assigned by the Protocol publisher and are known as
‘ephemeral’ ports.
The IP address(es) of the Internet hosts. In some cases you may wish to change
access for all Internet based hosts rather than specifying individual hosts.
The IP address(es) of the local PCs. Where particular local machines are to have
their Internet access re-defined, it is necessary to ensure that each ones IP address
is constant, or static. Please refer to the DHCP section for details of this procedure.
This is not necessary when you are changing access for all PCs on your local
NB: Changes made can take up to two minutes to apply to your Mako. If you want a change
to apply immediately, click on the Perform Refresh button at the bottom of the Firewall pages.
Mako Networks Mako 7550-E Product Handbook v.1.1
Page 36