Operating Instructions MI 34 / MI 34 H
850 232/14 08/11
0 .9 4 m l
0 .8 1 m l
- 3 7 d aP a
3 2 d aP a
m l
-6 0 0
-3 0 0
3 0 0 d a Pa
R ig h t
Ea r V o lu m e
C o m p lia n ce
G rad ien t
0 .9 4 m l
0 .8 1 m l
-3 7 d a Pa
3 2 d a Pa
T y m p a n o g ra m
R e m a rk s:
E x a m in e r:
N a m e :
Id N o .:
D a te :
M A IC O M I 3 4
1 00
R e fle x
R ig h t
Ipsi 5 00 H z PA SS
m l
0 ,1 5
0 ,1 0
0 ,0 5
d BH L
1 00
Ipsi 1 00 0 H z PA S S
m l
0 ,1 5
0 ,1 0
0 ,0 5
d BH L
1 00
Ipsi 2 00 0 H z PA S S
m l
0 ,1 5
0 ,1 0
0 ,0 5
d BH L
9 5
Ipsi 4 00 0 H z PA S S
m l
0 ,1 5
0 ,1 0
0 ,0 5
d BH L
Figure 32 - Printout of a Tympanogram
with ipsilateral reflextests
9 Interpreting Test Results
9.1 Understanding the printout
The printout contains the following
information: Ear volume, Compliance,
Pressure, Gradient, Reflex Test Results
Tympanogram (depending on the test
you have done). This information provides
the data you need to interpret the test
A graph of the Tympanogram is provided
(Figure 32) to assist you in visual
interpretation of the test. This graph is a
representation of the relative mobility of
the middle ear system. The horizontal axis
shows the changes in air pressure and the
resulting mobility of the system. The
compliance is recorded on the vertical
axis. This mobility is expressed as a
change in the volume of the ear canal in
The reflex is shown in up to four graphics with time on the horizontal axis
and the change of the compliance on the vertical axis.
9.2 Interpreting the tympanometric test result
As a general rule, values for ear canal volume should be between 0.2 and
2.0 ml (children and adults). A variance will be seen within this range
depending on the age and ear structure of the person. For example, a 2.0
ml or larger reading in a small child could indicate a perforation in the
tympanic membrane, while it may be a normal reading in an adult. You will
become more familiar with the normal ranges when you use the