Maxuum III Digital Electronic Indicator 2239028 Rev D
External Power Supply:
6 pin model 2239090
10 pin model 2239091
CAUTION: DO NOT continuously toggle external power source
on and off as this can cause damage to the digital indicator
and the remote power source.
DO NOT remove or install the external power source cable
while the external source in on.
Ratio Model (Option)
There are two ratios available for the Maxum III indicator. All
standard models come with a 1:1 ratio meaning 0.010 inch
movement of the spindle results in 0.010inch reading on the
indicators digital display. Some applications require a 4:5 ratio.
Maxum III models ordered with this 4:5 ratio will read 0.008
inch on the indicators digital display when the spindle is moved
0.010inch in linear travel. There are no other ratios available on
this indicator. This is a factory set option.
2.1.1 Controls - Standard Mode
Makes use of 6 push button modes, (Left Limit, Left Display
Index, Right Display Index, Right Limit, Autozero) for selections
in two operating modes (Standard and Enhanced) and sepa-
rately for entering the Setup Mode and Calibration Mode. But-
tons are only active when a reading is on the display.
Figure 2 - Indicator shown in TSP Mode
True Spindle Position
Enters unit into its TSP Mode to show the actual position of the
spindle in the indicator's measuring range.
True Spindle
Left Tolerance
Display Switches
Right Tolerance
Auto Zero